Irkutsk Diagnostic Center Evidence based medicine

Brief History

The history of the Diagnostic Center establishment in Irkutsk began in 1993. In the period of sharp economic problems the right choice proved to have been made when B.A Govorin, the city mayor, issued the resolution on establishing the Diagnostic Center, as an independent institution.

The core aim was to employ highly skilled staff to set up the centre. I. V. Ushakov who managed to create a team of like-minded people headed the work. He succeeded in involving specialists of different positions and occupations.

The most difficult in the process of carrying out the idea into life was search for investment. A lot of financial resources were needed. However, thanks to the mayor of Irkutsk and deputies of the State Duma, a certain amount of humanitarian credit was given by the Japanese Government.

To realize the project a contract with the Marubeni Company (Japan) was signed. Besides, Japan agreed to the proportion of 50+50 as to the equipment supply, that is to 50 % of Japan-made equipment, another 50% - on the decision of the management. That allowed obtaining the newest in the world medical technologies, those of the USA, France, Germany, and England. Highly skilled Japanese specialists were involved in the equipment installation.

The Opening Ceremony of the Irkutsk Diagnostic Center was held on July 10, 1999. Next day the Center began functioning and receiving the first patients. On January 10, 2000 the Diagnostic Center acquired the status of the regional centre.

History of Irkutsk Diagnostic Center

The history of the Irkutsk Diagnostic Center establishment began in September 1993, when Boris Aleksandrovich Govorin, Irkutsk mayor in those days, issued an appropriate decree. At the start the Center was planned as a comparatively small establishment, of about 10-15 consulting rooms. However, while studying the work experience of foreign and Russian centers, it became clear that that would not be enough. The history of the building where the Center is situated is also of interest. The erection of the building began in the1980s, which was planned as a large department store. However, the perestroika was coming to an end, the budget lacked money, and market relationships were being established. So in 1993 the building was included on the program of privatization of uncompleted buildings.
Excellent disposition near the main transport lines, practically in the center of the city, attracted many potential buyers. Nevertheless, 2 weeks before selling by auction, in January 1994, Boris Govorin issued the decree on transitioning the building into the diagnostic center.

Preliminarily calculation of expenses for the building reconstruction and purchasing diagnostic equipment proved that the city budget was not able to afford it. The search for investors began. In 1994 the first meeting between the head of the Khabarovsk branch of the well-known Japanese company, Marubeni corp., Mr. Fudsii, who was on a business trip in Irkutsk, and B.A. Govorin, took place. At the meeting for the first time the possibility of investing a certain amount of 500 million-dollar humanitarian credit from Eksimbank of Japan into our project was discussed. The main B. A. Govorin’s task was to obtain a possibility of using part of the credit for construction works. At first the Marubeni corp. denied such a possibility, but further on tried hard to convince the Japanese Government and Eksimbank which resulted in the decision of the possibility to use part of the credit for construction works, on the condition that the works would not be carried out by Russian companies. The Irkutsk Administration decided on involving Ksemitrade Company (Cyprus), which had already built the Business Center and the Central Market in Irkutsk. On the instruction of Boris Govorin, all necessary documents were prepared and sent to the ministries and departments concerned (Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Healthcare, Ministry of Economics, Vnesheconombank, Goskomoboronprom). The first reply from the Ministry of Finance was not hopeful as the total number of orders for credit amounted $550 million. However, the work was continued. Finally, in 1996 the Russian Federation Government’s decree on expediency of involving $16.15 million of Eksimbank credit for construction and providing the Irkutsk Diagnostic Center with medical equipment was signed. Thanks to the Eastern-Siberian Chamber of Commerce and Industry expertise the cost of medical equipment was reduced to $4 million, the terms of the guarantee service were prolonged up to 1.5 years. The plank was included in the contract allowing us to change equipment to more modern one without changing its price, before delivering. In October the contract was signed.

In June 1998 the project individual credit agreement was signed. In November the first brick in reconstruction of the building for the Diagnostic Center was laid. Since then a lot of difficulties had to be overcome, many problems were to be solved. There was the 18th of August 1998, the war in Yugoslavia. Nevertheless all project construction participants and management (Head Alexander Ivanonich Lukovnikov) and the Ksemitrade Company (President Ksenia Michovich), and Agrodorspetsstroy (President Valentin Aleksandrovich Golyshev) did everything in their power for its successful completion (only our project out of all 500-million Eksimbank’s credit line was completed).

On July 10, 1999 there was Inauguration of the Diagnostic Center, and since July 12 up till now it has been receiving patients. On January 10, 2000 the Diagnostic Center acquired the status of the regional centre.

Developed by Baik.Ru Company.