- High-quality consultations of specialists in such spheres as therapy, gastroenterology, cardiology, dermatology, venereorology, infantile and adolescent gynecology, endocrinology, including infantile one, nephrology, genetics, allergology, immunology, ophthalmology, pulmonology, hepatology, infectious diseases, neurosurgery, ear, nose and throat diseases, pediatry, rheumatology, oncology;
- four specialized sub-units: “Centre of diagnostics and prophylaxis of rheumatic diseases and osteoporosis”, “Centre of diagnostics and prophylaxis of vascular brain diseases”, “Centre of diagnostics and prophylaxis of arterial hypertension”, “Centre of bioptic diagnostics of dermapathology”;
- medicinal and parasurgical manipulations (arthrocentesis, thoracocentesis, various types of blockades, etc.);
- determination of the algorithm of the optimum complex instrumental and laboratory examination, and also clinical interpretation of the results obtained;
- consultations of the leading specialists of ESSC (East Siberian Scientific Centre) of SD (Siberian Department) of RAMS (Russian Academy of Medical Science), of ISIAMS (Irkutsk State Institute of Advanced Medical Studies), IGMU (Irkutsk State Medical University).
Consultative department is the combination of modern technologies and applied experience of the world medicine.