Department of Pathomorphology and Cytology |
- Three laboratories that carry out a wide range of up-to-date automatized
methods of histological, cytological and cytogenetic examinations;
- the examination of life samples of different pathology;
- the opportunity to make an accurate,
morphologically and cytologically verified diagnosis in the shortest possible time (in 24 hours on average) for out-patients;
- diagnosing of the hereditary and congenital diseases including diseases caused by chromosomal disbalance;
- urgent examination of bioptic and surgical specimens (5-10 minutes);
- histological examination with the usage of different fixation and stain techniques (including bacterioscopic);
- unique immunomorphological examination of histological and cytological specimens;
Automatized computer-based morphometrical examination of histological and cytological specimens;
- all kinds of cytogenetic examinations with the usage of cytogenetic station Leica-Q FISH;
- maximum early detection of oncological pathology;
- the only one Centre for bioptic diagnostics of skin diseases in Russia;
- liver pathology diagnosing, pathology of reproductive function diagnosing, pathology of other organs and systems diagnosing, etc.
The only one Department of Pathomorphology and Cytology providing the Federal system of the independent quality control (ÔÑÂÎÊ) with the control histological specimens.